This, is totally the day that the Lord has made. And for that reason, I will totally rejoice and be glad in Him!
He is a God who has breathed life into so many things!! How is He not gasping for air?! Because He is a wonderful, awesome, powerful, supernatural, God...with HUGE indescribable lungs, of course:)
I thank Him today for so many reasons, and those reasons also double as an update on the goings-on in my life!
- Yesterday, my mom, my best friend Alex, and I ran in the Women's Half Marathon in St. Pete. It was my mom and my second time doing this particular race, and Alex's first time doing a half marathon ever. She did amazing; better than me actually..annoying;). This wasn't my mom's second half though, she's done like a million. Or something around there. It was a hard run in my opinion..I felt pretty good until about mile 10/11..but that's an improvement from last year! I was DEAD at mile 9. SO dead. A half marathon is typically 13.1 miles, but this one was a little over, 13.32 miles. and that .22 difference is GIANT. Anyway, we finished the race with a time of 2hrs, 20min, 35sec. 7 minutes better than our time for last year! Yay:) PR for my second half. I'm hoping to do the Gasparilla Challenge in February, but we'll see. The Challenge consists of running a 5K (3.1miles) and 15K (9.3miles) on Saturday, and a half marathon (13.1 or so miles) on Sunday. So basically you need to train for a full marathon. YIKES! I think we can do it. In my opinion, the 15K is the most PERFECT race EVER. It is an awesome distance, and compared to 13.1, it is such a breeze. I love it. So, I am thankful to my awesome Creator for creating LEGS that can run for a stupid amount of time, and running partners that make it fun. Also, lungs for breathing! Breathing is KEY when it comes to running. For sure, for sure, for sure.
- p.s. Our boys are the greatest, and so are our friends/families. Jaymes, Larry, and Alex's boyfriend Cory, Jennifer, and Carmen came down with us at 5:30 in the morning before the race, and they cheered us along whenever they were at a point that we would pass them. They were AWESOME. Alex's family came too, and brought her flowers. So sweet:)
- School is winding down, THANK YOU JESUS. But that's not the only reason I praise and thank Him! I am actually doing pretty good in all of my classes! Statistics is the only class that I am struggling in, but I think I can do it:) I took 5 classes this semester, because I had dropped classes in past semesters and I am ready to get my life GOING outside of school! So I tried to hike up my class load for this semester to try to help me get on track to graduate in May 2012. *CROSS MY FINGERS!* In all of my other classes, I am proud of my grades:) My report card at the moment is as follows:
- Managerial Accounting: A
- Nutrition and Wellness: A
- Biology: B
- Statistics: C
- Microeconomics: C
Woo:) I know, C's aren't the best grades, but trust me, in Statistics and Micro, they are miracle grades. Atleast to this student, lol. I'm hoping that I can bring my biology grade up to an A, because it's a pretty high B..with the assignments that are still due and the final I'm thinking I can do it. Those C's are probably going to stay C's, but I'll still try my hardest! This semester has been one of the most overwhelming! Possibly because I finally started applying myself in a way that I can be PROUD of..although I could still be applying myself more..ugh. I'm SO ready to be done! But that is up to me, so I have to put my nose to the grind! I am thankful that the Lord has given me the strength to persevere and push through yucky weeks in class when I have exams in EVERYONE..Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I am thankful that He gave me a brain that I can use for Him and His glory, and one that can retain a lot of information! Mostly non-substantial information, but hey, useless facts are very wonderful sometimes:)
- Christmas is coming, and the goose is getting fat!! I've never had goose before, but I've had duck. I'm sure it's similar..? Anyway, the holidays are HERE. I am so thrilled:) I've already been listening to Christmas music for a week..I know I know, jumping the gun. Oh well! I am excited about these holidays for so many reasons, but mainly because I get to see so much of my family! Almost ALL of my whole family between Thanksgiving and Christmas! So thrilled. Quality time is my love language, and I love talking, so I am stoked beyond belief to be able to see so much family that I don't always have the luxury of seeing:(. This Thanksgiving I am decorating the tables we'll be eating off of, YAY! I'll probably take pictures of them, just because they'll be my first DIY projects. Well, I've done a few others, but these will be my first GOOD, picture-worthy DIY projects:) I am thankful that God has given me such a wonderful family, one that loves and supports each other immensely. I am thankful that God sent Jesus to be born, to make this world one kinda worth living in. Also, I am thankful for good cooks. Hallelujah:) lol.
There are so many other things that have been going on, but I'll highlight the little important ones in list form:
- My first nephew was born:) My second oldest sister Lacey and her husband Josh had Clayton Andrew Haker on September 29th. He was very tiny when he was born, and he actually had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 5 times!! He was a little acrobat, that crazy son of a gun! But he is healthy and ADORABLE now:) They actually went hunting in GA? last week/weekend, so he had his first of SOOOO many hunting trips. They are an outdoor family to the MAX.
- Jaymes and I did our first bicycle ride across Florida the 2nd to last weekend of October hosted by Idlewild Baptist Church, with my parents, friends from both churches, and one of our new favorite couples:) It was a total of approximatly 210 miles, and we did it from Friday - Sunday. We started in Ormond Beach/Daytona, and rode all the way back to Tarpon Springs! We went 60 miles Friday, 70 miles Saturday, and 80 miles Sunday. It was one of the funnest things I've ever done. AMAZING.
Day 2, Getting ready to start! |
Day 2, a quick stop:) |
Day 3, last stop! |
- Not too long after the 1st bike ride, we decided to go on another, much SHORTER ride. We did it with the couple that we rode the long ride with, Nate and Erica. It was in Sarasota, where Erica is from, so we went over Saturday, had a nice carb-filled dinner, and woke up early Sunday morning to participate in a 65 miles ride around Sarasota. It was LONG, WINDY, and FREEEEEEZING! Wow. It was fun, but SOOO not fun. Still fun though, if you understand what I'm saying:)
- I'm not a big coffee drinker, but around the holidays, hello:) Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer, anyone?! Amazing. Also, Starbucks has some SCRUMPTIOUS delicacies..if you can call coffee a delicacy...I am anyway! Their Gingerbread Lattes and Caramel Brulee Lattes are absolutely amazing! And definitely zero calories..haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I wish:( Oh well, it's the holidays, people, have fun!
- It is almost Jaymes' 21st birthday, which is not so much a big deal because we aren't drinkers/partiers, but it is very exciting that he is getting INTO his twenties, and not just me. But it's okay, young is good:) It is November 30th, which is a TAD bit stressful because that is right after Thanksgiving, and right before Christmas! So I have to be uber creative with gifts, because I have people asking me for present ideas for him left and right, and I have to make sure I have enough ideas for myself, let alone to give out for his Christmas ideas too!! Gah!! But it's fun having the responsibility of being the go-to girl for his wishlist. I feel special:)
- I voted! And my vote was heard:) Yay Republicans. Please do good for us, don't just feel like since you won, you're done. We voted for you for a reason, to assist in the recovery process. I know in a world of impatience and immediate results it is easy for us to blame you all for things that go wrong, but I know that if your hearts and minds are in the right place, things will be done- to God be the glory. Thank you politicians for all the good you do. Not so much thanks for the bad, but still thanks:). I can't imagine how stressful it is to have the responsibility of determining SO much for all of us normal citizens on your shoulders. But we're praying for you!
Well, this incredibly long/obnoxious post is an update for the past while! Hope everyone is enjoying life and living it to the fullest of your capabilities, all to Praise the name of Jesus. We truly do owe everything to Him, and without Him, nothing would be possible.